Gobbetto training
Founded twenty years ago, Gobbetto Academy offers on-site or online training courses and technical update, to meet a variety of specific training needs in the field of resin coating. Our professional course issues to participants the Gobbetto Installer Certificate.
Basic installation
and art course
A basic training course for those interested in resin coating technics and that are about to use Gobbetto products for the first time, for simple interior or art projects.
Il corso si svolge in giornata, dalle ore 9 alle ore 17, ed è modulato su una prima parte introduttiva teorica – introduzione storica e panoramica sui prodotti e relative caratteristiche tecniche – e una parte pratica tenuta da un Maestro che seguirà i partecipanti nella sperimentazione delle diverse possibilità applicative.
After attending the course, Gobbetto issues a certificate of attendance with a complimentary “DIY” kit to participants.
The basic course is an introduction to the next level for installers.

Professional course for installers.
An advanced course for those who wish to know more about resin coating technics and for professional installers using Gobbetto resins.
Il corso si svolge in giornata, dalle ore 9 alle ore 17, ed è modulato su una prima parte introduttiva teorica – dedicata alla descrizione dettagliata e tecnica dei prodotti – e una parte tecnica per approfondire le problematiche dei fondi e le soluzioni più appropriate con riferimento ai diversi supporti da resinare, anche con l’ausilio di video dimostrativi. The afternoon is dedicated to a pratical coating lab, including technical examples, production of samples with increasing levels of difficulty.
After attending the course, Gobbetto issues a Certified Gobbetto Instaler certificate of attendance with a complimentary “DIY” kit to participants.
Gobbetto and Marmorino Tools Courses
New Gobbetto events at the Academy, with two-day professional courses in collaboration with Marmorino Tools, a brand specializing in the production of construction tools, dedicated to decoration.
During these events, you will have the opportunity to learn the techniques and skills for applying resin, both epoxy and polyurethane, and microcement. The course will cover surface preparation, resin application, and finishing techniques. A certificate will be issued upon completion.
This partnership was created to further enhance the installation and artistic processing of Gobbetto resins.
For information on new dates, write to

For further information and details on the course programme, write to
Online courses can be purchased and are available via the following links