

Transparent epoxy art resin

Starting from 15,65 


Poliepo 501 Special is a bi-component resin for crystalline effect. Specially designed to create design items, jewelry and for mounting inserts. Silicon molds are best to ensure an easy removal of the creation. A single casting with a thickness of 2-3 cm is possible.Alternatively several coats of varying thicknesses can be done to achieve a greater thickness.

Poliepo 501 Special is an epoxy resin, solvent-free, non-toxic, transparent and resistant to U.V. rays and yellowing.

APPLICATION Self-leveling product. Carefully mix part A with part B in the proportion 1 to 0.6 ( e.g. 1 Kg A + 0.6 Kg B ). Pour the mixed resin into silicone or plastic molds to allow easy removal when hardened ( about 24 hours).

DOSAGEA quantity of about kg 1.2 mm/ sqm is advisable.

Two-component (A+B) Kit:

  • Poliepo 501 Special kg 0,45
  • Poliepo 501 Special kg 0,75
  • Poliepo 501 Special kg 1,5
  • Poliepo 501 Special kg 3
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