2020, a dramatic year that changed the world, taught us many things: the value of human bonds, the closeness of affections, the value of real meetings as well as the virtual ones, the quality of the domestic space and, also, the importance of urban spaces. open, shared and joyful.
Cities which have grown over the last seventy years are urban dimensions that have grown around cars, offices and factories; they were built to be functional for this purpose, but nowadays the centrality of the person and his human relationships is rediscovered and everything is changing. Cities return to orbit around what has always been their beating heart: the squares. Over the decades, however, the free urban areas located at the intersections of the great roads or framed by beautiful buildings in the historic centers have been for the most part used as parking lots.
How to convert them now in a creative way that is both economical and fast? In fact, urban spaces can require enormous economic efforts and even a very long time for their reinvention. A practical and colorful solution, which would cut costs while maintaining the possibility of a radical transformation of the spaces, is to use the resin-based products of Gobbetto. The historic Milanese company, known all over the world, and always at the forefront in the search for new materials for the new needs of the contemporary world, proposes to reinvent cities through resin flooring for exteriors with the Dega Carpet. A resin material mixed with sands and natural aggregates that are completely non-toxic and eco-compatible, with an extremely simple installation that allows the renewal of spaces in a very short time; extremely tough and resistant to atmospheric agents and therefore destined to be maintained over time without any maintenance. Available in any colour range, it makes urban spaces a blank canvas, where architects, artists and designers can express themselves in absolute freedom, transforming a gray and alienating urban space into a meeting, sharing and of creativity.