Colors and pigments for resin
A range of concentrated colors. Starting from the basic colors it allows endless choice of coloring. Colours and pigments can be mixed with Dega Stucco for floors and walls of the Dega line. Combined with Dega Primer allow decoration of any surface or item, create gradient, drowing and cloud effects before finish. Ideal also to use with the epoxy resin Poliepo® as final colored lacquering.
Mix the pure colors with the resin of choice (Dega Primer, Dega Stucco or Poliepo®). To color the epoxy resin Poliepo® mix together before casting. For decorations it is possible to use a variety of techniques with the help of brushes, rollers, sponges, sprayers.
Yeld varies accordind to each operation. Colours: bright red, blue, white, black, bright yellow, ochre yellow, brown. Available in 200 ml and 1 kg size pack.